New UK Customs Regulation on Shipping Used Personal Effects to UK

New UK Customs Regulation on Shipping Used Personal Effects to UK - 20170816025812549

For long, UK customs had been using various forms for importing different categories of personal belongings into UK as for personal use or possesion. 

Those forms are,

-Import and Export: bringing personal belongings to UK from outside the European Community (C3)

-Import and Export: bringing your pet to the UK from outside the EC (C5)

-Import and export: import of private motor vehicle from outside the EC (C104A)

-Import and export: import of private vessel from outside the EC (C104A Vessels)

The purpose of having pets, private motor vehicle and vessels clearly categorilized out of “personal belongings” was to better manage the customs & tax practice for these special items and filter important statistics datas for strategic plans. However, the forms have for sure caused some confusions among people (including customs officials themselves). For instance, an individual that is going back home and bringing a household goods shipment, a dog and a motor vehicle would have to fill out 3 different forms with some information such as his name, ID info, address, etc. triplicated. This also means 3 different customs officials would have to inspect the forms at 3 different time situation, very obviously a waste of time and resources.

New UK Customs Regulation on Shipping Used Personal Effects to UK - 20170816025704243

They have now put an end to it by publishing this new regulation.

Since January, 2017, these forms won’t be in use anymore. For those who are transfering their residences from outside of EU to the UK and seeking customs duties & tax relief on their personal belongings, now have a general application procedure regardless of what they are transfering with. 

It is a simple 3 steps procedure.

Step 1:

Make an application to HMRC using the online form, link below.

You must complete the form and send it by post or Email ( with supporting documents.

Step 2:

The government will inspect the forms and documents and if approved, each client will then be given an unique code to allow them customs clearance.

Step 3:

Give that code to your moving company or UK customs directly if you will DIY the removals.

**Despite of the convenience of this new policy, we are notified by our UK partners that UK customs are now having a backlog of online applications during this transition period, and delays are expected. In order not to cause any delays or costs to your shipments, please apply for the code A.S.A.P. 

Contact RapidWorld for help if you have any problem filling out the forms or any problem associated with the procedure. 

Contact Info

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General Email Address:

National Sales Manager: Patrick Kung

Customer Services Manager: Alison Shaw
